What I Stand For
One of my biggest passions in life is psychology and the many facets surrounding it. The two major factors are the biological/neurological side and the mental health side. As a future psychologist, I hope that I will be able to make a change in both of those areas. For this prompt, I have found a near-perfect way to do so.

About Me
Hi! My name is Jillian Strong.
I am 18 years old and a current senior at CNS.
After high school, I will be attending the University of Pittsburgh. I plan to study psychology and neuroscience.
My love for these two fields sprouted in eighth grade when my English teacher had a psychology unit.
Ever since that point, I have grown fascinated with the mind and brain and all of its capabilities.
Technology in My Life
Technology has always been apart of my life. While I haven't always been personally involved, my family has.
My dad is a software engineer. As a little kid, I always asked questions. Some of which I'm still working on fully understanding.
And now my sister is on her way to becoming a bio-engineer, a career that I always considered.
Unfortunately, with my involvement in winterguard, I've had little time to get involved in technology. I have, however, always been interested in it.